Guangzhou Xingyouxing Original Louis Vuitton Leather Goods Factory was established in . The factory is located at No. Gegang Road (Lijia Industrial Park), Shiling Town, Huadu District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province. After years of development, the factory has a factory area of more than 20,000 square meters. It currently has many employees and senior masters in the layout. For many years, it has been dedicated to the research and production of the world's top brand leather products. Our factory's original luxury goods are available in a variety of styles. Brands covered: original (Louis Vuitton), original rd (Prada), original (Gucci), original (Chanel), original (Dior), original (Hermès), original B (Balenciaga), etc. Multiple top brands. The leather in our factory is made from Italy's first-tier brand bag fabrics. It has clear texture, dark yellow color, bright and soft feel, and is very comfortable to touch. The finished product has a beautiful bag shape. The hardware is custom-made using the original hardware of Italian Majiang. They are all unique. After polishing several times, they are sealed and oiled. They look fine, even and glossy! The inner label of the bag that will never rust is very clear, the fonts and colors are consistent, and the bag shape is not an exaggeration to compare to the temperament of a person. It can show the charm and beauty, exquisite craftsmanship, and exquisite packaging! It makes people put it down, which is difficult to achieve with ordinary imitations! The pressure lines of our bags are all made of bright ink, which is relatively thick, has a good line feel, and is even and full.
We require our craftsmen to have a quality pass rate in every process. Every product that is about to leave the factory must undergo strict inspection by the quality inspection department. In addition to our products not being able to enjoy the joint warranty in specialty stores, other products It is basically the same as the real thing, including genuine packaging. It is the best product and the best choice for personal use, gift giving, collection, and company rewards.
Our factory mainly faces domestic physical stores, foreign wholesalers, online sellers and other customers. After many years of market practice and many years of production experience, the factory has strong technical force, accurate delivery time, excellent quality, and best-selling products. Mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Japan, Australia and other more than 20 countries and regions, it has been loved and highly recognized by most customers around the world.
Original quality bags can be given away as counter products or resold as purchasing agents. Mainly include original order, original product rd, original product, original product, original product, original product, original product B
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Guangzhou Baiyun Leather City original LV messenger bag LV double bag LV counter hot stamping