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& & Guangzhou original Louis Vuitton wholesale manufacturer specializes in the production and sale of original bags, G original bags, H original bags, Hermès original bags, DR original bags, original bags, original Bags, Bottega Veneta original bags, d Fendi original bags, original bags, original bags, top original handbags, scarves, shoes and other top original products. &Every product of Xingyouxing Original Leather Goods Factory is made from the counter’s genuine mold-making leather. It uses Italian original first-layer cowhide and sheepskin materials. Majiang’s original hardware zippers and other high-paying overseas experienced craftsmen are hired. As the factory director, the bags we make have clear texture, bright texture, soft texture, high-grade gloss and good hardware zippers, which do not fade or rust and are extremely smooth to pull. Our bags are made by experienced overseas craftsmen through many complex processes such as material selection, plate cutting, sewing, et... [Details]